
empowerment through personalization and inclusion.

Our mission

Through cutting-edge research, we analyse food consumption habits to understand the underlying drivers of dietary behaviour. Leveraging these insights, DietWise will deliver two innovative tools:

Responsible Cooking Aliance

An add-on tool that provides consumers with personalized  recommendations, helping them transition to healthier and more sustainable eating patterns. Tool will work on different browsers and will detect recipes on recipes websites. Tool will allow to change existing recipe according existing nutrition guidelines and research-based results.

ReceiptWatch App

An AI based application that will transform food receipts into actionable insights, offering tailored suggestions for healthier meal alternatives and recipes designed to encourage home cooking and reduce reliance on processed foods.

International Workshops

Project partner countries are Lithuania, Belgium and Greece. In each country project partners organise different workshops dedicated to different target groups. These workshops will include activities and based on feedback from participants RCA and app will be updated.

Our partners:

Our success stories

So far we have more than X Satisfied users.
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